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Flash & Interactive

Adding pizazz to your media solutions

The use of flash has grown enormously over the past few years. What was once nothing more that banners allowing for a more detailed animation over animated GIF images have grown into a solution providing full feature rich environments.

Here at BOOTIT our developers have worked heavily in flash animation and web site solutions. Either as stand-alone applications, or dynamic content and database integration, we have delivered media rich solutions for all platforms.

Should we flash dance?

There are many things to consider when you decide to move forward with flash design.

  • What platform are you developing for?
  • What version of flash?
  • Will it be dynamic or static content?
  • Will there be interactive elements or more a storyline?

There are so many questions and they can indeed be daunting at times especially considering the iPhone and iPad do not support flash out of the box. Is this a major deciding factor?

iOS use grew by 1.7% this year to 32.4% while by contrast Android and the Google mobile OS account for 51.6% of the market. But to be honest, these are just stats. Know your audience. If you are developing for an institution that use iOS (iPhone/iPad) then develop accordingly. This is where BOOTIT come in. We can help you identify the audience. Through research and experience, we will ensure the approach best suits the demographics and corresponding devices.

Flash can offer that level of interactivity that makes the user experience, fun engaging and memorable. Given that the average visit to a web page is only 10 seconds, what does your content offer above all the others falling into that average?

At BOOTIT we have taken on that quest and provided successful solutions for many clients. From developing stand-alone solutions for use in home improvement stores to simple banner exchange ads for large mobile phone and cable services, no task is too large or too small.

An example of an interactive solution was the stand-alone solution we created that was all about selling wallpaper. Situated in many home improvement superstores across North America, our breakout design allowed for a full feature application. Using flash we created 2d/3d environments and offered the ability to select any combination of wallpapers and borders for the full inventory. These were then applied to any of the room environments we created. We developed customs scripts to handle depth, perspective, shadows and highlights ensuring the experience were simply stunning. The ability to order samples or the product itself was also built into the application. This allowed for a total hands free solution for the hosting stores.

Let BOOTIT help you out of the 10 second crowd, ask us about flash and interactive solutions today.